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Blood Donation Basics

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Did You Know? Blood Usage Facts.

Each year, nearly 5 million Americans need blood transfusions. But which patients use the most blood might surprise you.

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What Is the Most Common Blood Type?

If you ever wondered what the most common blood type is, we’re here to fill in the blanks.

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Debunking the Many Myths of Blood Donation

Can you donate blood if you have tattoos, or traveled abroad? We bust the most common myths about blood donation. Find the facts here.

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Does Iron Matter When It Comes to Your Diet?

The role of iron in your blood and how to maintain a healthy balance in your diet are explained.

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Critical for Pregnancies: Knowing your blood type and Rh factor

Rh factor and blood type are important to know in case of an emergency. And knowing your Rh factor during pregnancy is critical to your unborn child's health..

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How Blood Donations Are Distributed

What happens to your blood after you donate? Learn more about the process that gets your lifesaving donation to patients.

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