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Blood Donation Basics

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Most Rare Blood Type

You may have heard the phrase “most rare blood type” and wondered what exactly that means. After all, how can a blood type be rare, and what exactly is the rarest blood type, if there even is one?

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Patient Survives Major Accident

The need for blood can happen in an instant. That’s why regular blood donation is so important. And no one will be more thankful for your generous gift than the hospital patients who need a transfusion…

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What are platelets?

Platelets are tiny cell fragments in your blood with a big job.

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Hosting a Blood Drive

When you host a blood drive, you are making a direct connection between the people you know around you and the hospital patients whose lives depend on the availability of blood.

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Iron Myth Buster

Think you know about iron in food? Separate fact from fiction, and learn some cool stuff along the way.

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Five Reasons to Donate Blood

Are you a new donor, or trying to convince someone to donate blood? Check out our top reasons to become a blood donor. There's more to it than saving lives.

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