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Blood Donation Stories

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Summer Adventure Gas Giveaway Winners Prioritize Donating Blood

Giving blood is an adventure most of our Summer Gas Giveaway winners have been undertaking for a long time.

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Donor Meets Grateful Recipient in Rare Event

It’s very rare that a donor gets to meet the recipient of his blood donation. Tim is one such lucky donor.

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83 Donate for Mothers Giveaway Winners Announced

Eighty-three donors won $83 in our May giveaway - plus a surprise bonus.

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Donor Rediscovers the Joy of Saving Lives

A California donor rediscovered a love of donating blood after happening upon a Vitalant blood drive.

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These Donors Blazed a Trail for Patients

The 20 winners of our Blaze a Trail/Earth Day Giveaway understand these truths: We’re all in it together and giving blood is a team effort.

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Shining a Light on Our Celestial Giveaway Winners

The four winners of our Celestial Giveaway include new and longtime donors and a mom who hosts drives in memory of her son.

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In Their Own Words: Donors Share Motivations for Giving Blood

We asked donors what they would say to motivate others to give blood and the response was overwhelming.

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