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Hosting a Blood Drive

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Donor Motivation: Using Points and Promotions to Recruit Blood Donors

What motivates a blood donor to volunteer to help someone they will most likely never meet? Some donors say they give blood because “it’s the right thing to do.” Others say they give blood because they have a personal connection to the mission. Still others say they give blood because they like to earn points* or sport the free T-shirts Vitalant gives donors in recognition of their lifesaving donations during critical times of the year.  

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Power UP for Patients this Summer

This summer, Vitalant is asking blood donors and blood drive coordinators to Power UP in support of hospital patients. What does that mean? For donors, it means giving a Power Red, plasma or platelet donation based on their blood type. For blood drive coordinators, it means filling every appointment slot, recruiting a few first-time donors to every blood drive, and recruiting A-negative, B-negative and type O donors* to Power UP with a Power Red donation. 

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You Help Save Patients Like Alex: A Letter From Mitzy Edgecomb

In each of my messages to you, I have shared my heartfelt gratitude for the work you do to ensure blood is available for patients in need. Your unwavering dedication is truly inspiring. My expression of gratitude has become very personal over this last year. 

In May of 2021, the twenty-eight-year-old daughter of one of my oldest and dearest friends was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). As you can imagine, the news was absolutely devasting to her family and friends...

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Donor Motivation: Using the Wellness Check for Recruiting Donors

As a coordinator, one of your most important responsibilities is recruiting new blood donors and encouraging existing blood donors to give again. In most cases, people are motivated by the ability to help someone in their community heal from trauma. In other cases, a donor might be interested in an incentive. Or sometimes, the donor is wondering what’s in it for them.  

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Blood Drive Coordinators Get Special Recognition for Recruiting New Donors

Do you remember your first blood donation? Was it at a blood drive? Blood drives are the way many people make their first blood donation. That’s because blood drives at work, school, houses of worship and community centers make it convenient for people to take that first step to becoming a lifelong blood donor.

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You’re Invited to Host a Holiday Blood Drive

Did you know it’s common for blood centers to have difficulties sustaining the blood supply around major holidays?  

People take vacations, schools go on break and most organizations reduce the activities on their calendars. These everyday occurrences have a direct impact on the blood supply: fewer blood drives and blood donations get scheduled. 

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