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National Preparedness Month Highlights Need for Blood Donors

Vitalant thanking donors with T-shirt, $10 gift card for a limited time

It’s the blood already donated that helps save lives when a disaster strikes. During National Preparedness Month in September, Vitalant urges all eligible donors to give blood and help ensure the country’s blood supply is strong to meet the needs of patients. 

Sept. 1-7 is National Blood Donation Week, a time to encourage all who are eligible to donate blood and raise awareness that blood donors are needed every day of the year. Governors of Arizona and Colorado have issued proclamations celebrating that week. Many other governors have proclaimed a state Blood Donation Day on Sept. 4.

Donors of all blood types are vital to helping patients, especially the most-transfused type O. In an emergency, O-negative is what doctors reach for when there’s no time to determine a patient’s blood type, and O-positive is the next best alternative.  

As a special thanks to donors who answer the call, Vitalant is offering those who come to donate Aug. 30 – Sept. 4 an 80s throwback “Super Donor” T-shirt plus a $10 gift card through its Donor Rewards program. Donors who give starting Sept. 5 will automatically be entered into the Pumpkin Spice Giveaway and have a chance to win one of five $5,000 prepaid gift cards of their choice.

Most people are eligible to donate, and about an hour is all it takes to help save lives. Review eligibility requirements and make an appointment to give: visit, download and use the Vitalant blood donor app or call 877-25-VITAL (877-258-4825).